VS-EMeasure’s Energy Managerment Systern, (EMS)

VS-EMeasure’s Energy Managerment Systern, (EMS)

VS-EMeasure’s Energy Managerment Systern, (EMS)

VS-EMeasure’s Energy Managerment Systern, (EMS)

VS-EMeasure’s Energy Managerment Systern, (EMS)


(084-28) 5448 2277

VS-EMeasure’s Energy Managerment Systern, (EMS)

EINET, VS-EMeasure’s Energy Managerment Systern, (EMS) calers to a wide range of industries, manufacturing plants, commercial and residential establishment or can simply be used where an electrical system is essential. EINET provides a centralized high profile monitoring system, which is a powerful tool that empowers the user with total control over the electrical system.


EINET, VS-EMeasure’s Energy Managerment Systern, (EMS) calers to a wide range of industries, manufacturing plants, commercial and residential establishment or can simply be used where an electrical system is essential. EINET provides a centralized high profile monitoring system, which is a powerful tool that empowers the user with total control over the electrical system.


Effective usage of the EINET rewards the user with fabulous benefits like saving energy and resources; ensures uninterrupted plant operation, improving efficientcy and much more. EINET ultimately leads to way to substantial coast saving that in turn adds to the profit margin