Installation, repair and maintenance of electrical systems

Installation, repair and maintenance of electrical systems

Installation, repair and maintenance of electrical systems

Installation, repair and maintenance of electrical systems

Installation, repair and maintenance of electrical systems

(084-28) 5448 2277

Maintenance and repair of switchboards

After the warranty period, we provide full service of maintenance and repair of switchboards.With a team of profesional technicians, we are committed to providing our customers with the highest safety and the most optimal operating options. Customer service team available 24/7.

Installation of switchboard system at the site

We undertake the installation of switchboards, testing and giving ending users operating instructions, and doing handover. We also install and connect the busway to the switchboard system, transformer, and handover.

Installation of solar energy systems

Design and installation of rooftop solar PV panel systems for factories.

VS-EMeasure’s Energy Managerment Systern, (EMS)

EINET, VS-EMeasure’s Energy Managerment Systern, (EMS) calers to a wide range of industries, manufacturing plants, commercial and residential establishment or can simply be used where an electrical system is essential. EINET provides a centralized high profile monitoring system, which is a powerful tool that empowers the user with total control over the electrical system.